
Using SQL to analyze data in JavaScript without a database

Exploration of the possibility to use SQL syntax to analyze javascript data with the array methods map, reduce, filter and sort.

View Demo Here

This is the elaboration of an idea I had in this blog post: JavaScript Arrays - Map, Reduce and Filter.

Take the following dataset listing countries and their respective population/GDP:

let countries = [

Consider you want to find the average gdp of all countries with a population less than 10 million.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to do this using an SQL statement?

SELECT avg(gdp) from countries where population < 10000000;

The idea is the following: The map, reduce, sort and filter methods on JavaScript arrays can easily be mapped to select, where and order by in SQL.

WHERE <—> Filter

The WHERE statement thins out the rows of a tables.
Just like Array.prototype.filter

let whereCol = "population";
let whereOp = ">";
let whereVal = 10000000;
countries.filter((current) => {
  return eval(`current.${whereCol} ${whereOp} ${whereVal}`);

SELECT <—> Map

The SQL SELECT statement picks a subset of the table columns. can be used to do the same:

let selectField = "gdp"; => {
  return {[selectField]: current[selectField]};

ORDER BY <—> Sort

Using ORDER BY sorts the selected rows.
Exactly like Array.prototype.sort:

let orderColumn = "country";
let orderDirection = "desc"
countries.sort((o1, o2) => {
  let field1 = o1[orderColumn];
  let field2 = o2[orderColumn];
  if (typeof field1 === 'number') {
    if (orderDir == 'asc') {
      return field1 - field2;
    } else {
      return field2 - field1;
  if (typeof field1 === 'string') {
    if (orderDir == 'asc') {
      return field1.localeCompare(field2);
    } else {
      return field2.localeCompare(field1);

Aggregation functions (like sum, avg etc.) <—> Reduce

The following SQL statement containing the ‘sum’ aggregation function can be implemented in JavaScript by using Array.prototype.reduce.

SELECT sum(gdp) from countries
let fnctionParam = "gdp";
countries.reduce((red, current) => {
  return current[functionParam] + red; 
}, 0);

Pretty straight-forward, don’t you think?
Well these examples are simplified for the sake of brevity, but they constitute a good starting point to dive into the implementation.

Implementation, Demo and Repository

The implementation is based on the SQLLite parser written by Nick Wronski for Codeschool which parses SQL statements and generates an abstract syntax tree out of which the neccessary data can be extracted. You can find the repository here. Please note that this is experimental and to be considered a case study.
If you would however like to use or build on this technique, feel free to do so.

View Demo Here

You can find a nice collection of data to analyze in this github repo by Justin Dorfman

Currently supported statements:

select *  
select column  
select column1, column2  
select sum(column)  
select avg(column)  
select min(column)  
select max(column)  
select count(*)  
where column = 3
where column = 'str'
where column like 'A%' # (begins with A)  
where column like '%D' # (ends with D)  
where column like 'DA' # (contains DA)  
order by column asc  
order by column desc  

Since the where clause is eval’d you can do more advanced stuff like filtering on properties of sub-objects:

where "arrColumn[0].subObj" = 'something'   

or determining whether every items of an array fullfills a certain condition

where "arrCol.every((cur) => {return cur.val > 3})" = 'true'

Note that due to the fact that sqllite columns are case insensitive you have to put camelCase columns in quotation-marks:
Checking if a column is null only works like this: where “column == null” = ‘true’